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Our Dancing Universe: the Word and the Circle of Light.

The Word lets light and begets all things.

I have composed the following in awe of the beauty and balance of our cosmos. It is based off of concepts connected by three pieces of scientific literature. The summary of each is as follows:

1. "A unifying theory of dark energy and dark matter: Negative masses and matter creation within a modified ΛCDM framework" describes how the existence of a negative mass fluid would result in the orientation and behavior of the cosmos as we observe it, removing the need for the hypothetical notions of dark matter and dark energy to describe the shapes of galaxies and the observed expansion of space-time.

2. "Negative-Mass Hydrodynamics in a Spin-Orbit–Coupled Bose-Einstein Condensate" describes how when matter gets extremely cold, approximately absolute zero, atoms condense into a collective fluid that behaves as if it has negative mass.

3. "On the origin of gravity and the laws of Newton" describes how gravity itself is not actually a fundamental force, but an emergent phenomena from the impact of entropy acting on the information-energy of the universe. Entropy is responsible for the effective forces of gravitational attraction, as well as capable of explaining microscopic inertia. In the framework of general relativity, this means it is possible for the translation of energy into space-time itself in a holographic universe. This can be understood as a continuous fabric of space time projecting outward from black holes.

Why are these three papers in combination so intriguing to me? They provide a framework to see how energy is continually transforming into light, matter, and space-time. This is my attempt to describe a conception of that framework.

At the "points" with the highest concentrations of mass-energy in the universe, we have black-holes. They are absorbing everything (matter, light, and space-time) into them while releasing energy as they evaporate due to Hawking radiation. These are the surfaces from which our space-time projects in the holographic sense. At the lowest energy "edges" of the universe, furthest from high concentrations of matter, the matter is so cold, it behaves as a continuous fluid that can be conceptualized as a Newtonian negative mass. This extremal matter simultaneously squeezes the warmer matter clustered in galaxies together (acting like dark matter) and repulses itself, and expanding outward continuously into a larger volume due to an entropy gradient toward some some virtually infinite maximum volume (acting like dark energy). Because it is so cold, the entropy at these outermost "edges" approaches a constant value, akin to emptiness, formless and void.

Meanwhile, the entropy within this expanding fabric of space-time (as it appears from our point of observation) acts upon matter in a way that draws it toward itself, resulting in the effective gravitational force with which we are familiar. This force is responsible for the fusion in stars which produces light (and eventually black-holes in the cases of the most massive stars). This light always shines toward the "edges" of space-time, continually experiencing red-shift along the way as the space-time through which it travels expands. Along the way, it experiences convex gravitational lenses, curving toward massive objects as it travels past them, but eventually this light interacts with the coldest, "negative mass" matter and begins to bend away from the void, as it acts as a concave gravitational lens. This bending of light provides an infinite path for light to swirl throughout the universe, red-shifting into ever increasing wavelengths, until its absorbed by some form of matter, be it cosmic dust, salt-water, or a black-hole. This is also consistent with observations that the Universe appears to be "open" in shape. I posit that the observed red-shifting of the light is the observation of the once mass-energy transformed into greater entropy, as it continually condenses back into matter in the form of the collective Bose-Einstein condensate. This produces the effective expansion of the universe and space-time itself. I will call this path it takes, transforming from matter to light and back to matter again the Circle of Light.

So what does this mean? It means everything is continuously transforming into everything else according to the laws of thermodynamics: 1) energy-information is conserved by perpetually transforming mass-energy into 2) ever increasing entropy in the volume highly populated by mass-energy in the interior of the universe while 3) never exceeding the maximum possible entropy that is defined by all of the mass-energy expanding to a volume where its temperature approaches absolute zero. This framework for the universe seems most compatible with the Big Bounce theory of a perpetually vibrating universe, immeasurable in age with a beginning beyond the perceivable.

Thus, our universe is a beautiful mess of information dancing.

Word to your Origin.


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