What is it? You know. It holds you back, and it's okay that it is alluring. You need to do it sometimes to remember that you don't want to do it. Accept it. Forgive it. Face it. Fix it. You don't have to be perfect. But you can always try to learn to be more perfect. Your anxiety is telling you things. Important interpretations of your surroundings. Your choices are yours to make. And yours to live with so adapt accordingly. Be creative with your choices and you will benefit as you learn to do what is best.
This is my diary. I'm hoping it will help me live in a liberated way where I have nothing to hide. In some entries there are a lot of thoughts without much structure and in others it strongly constrains their construction. Regardless of form, composing my thoughts allows me to discover myself. If you're reading this, you'll know much about me that I may never know how to tell you, so if any of the thoughts and feelings here awaken a discovery of your own, I hope you'll share it with me.