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The Pursuit of Happiness.

We like to say the world is finally perfect. At least as is, to borrow the phrase, humanly possible.

It all started when Lazarus Incorporated designed the first true nanomedicines. We could now record and correct our bodies at the molecular and genetic level. We conquering death and disease and balancing our hormones in the process. We had never felt so physically fit.

With death conquered, those who owned Lazarus, Inc finally began to understand listlessness that comes with eternal life. Seeking purpose facing a projected endless existence, they decided to do what they could to prevent death from conquering the lives of others. The motives for this purpose were unique to each individual. Most of the shareholders just wanted to be rich, though there seemed to be a general spirit that to be able live with an eternal conscience, one had to help others who aspired for the same opportunity.

As the information age evolved information technology, it necessarily evolved our political economy. Communities began describing value for themselves, sustainable by themselves. Some still used money and property to trade with other communities, others simply chose to share responsibilities and reward one another with mutual-services. The inevitable ubiquity of mutual surveillance soon replaced historically brutal criminal justice systems. You weren't watched, simply recorded by yourself and your neighbors. This mutual assured destruction of privacy paved the way to the first truly private, peer-reviewed dispute resolution and reparations market. The People policed themselves for the sake of themselves; they replaced Big Brother with each other.

As we pursued to increase our capacity to live and let live, there were still crimes of passion, to which loved ones were lost. A highly persecuted few began to experiment with biodigital backups of the brain, and despite the protests of religious believers, biodigital consciousnesses were soon granted biological rights. This created a market for mutual life insurance policies. The policies ensured eternal lives together. Those groups who were more patient in their demand for biological resurrection were not asked to contribute as much to the ever-growing Lazarus Trust. You couldn't be forced to live forever, but with the explosion of telecommunications and efficient travel technology, loved ones were far better equipped to ask it of you.

Perhaps the Lazarus Trust's biggest contribution to geopolitical economic stability was its argument for the erosion of nations, a study on the projected cost in manhours to repair its infrastructure and revive its stakeholders. We used models based on historic national socioeconomic disputes involving modern political economic environment. The development of new weaponry was shown as a technological inevitability, and finally the military-industrial complex faced a economic reality against which it could no longer be justified. As newer weaponry developed, time proved that even some of our best female scientists couldn't resist the urge to be "boys with toys" sometimes.

Some argue we are no longer human. But we still conceive of ourselves that way. We still hurt one another's feelings. We still misunderstand each other's intentions. We don't know the meaning of life. We lust and betray trust. We feel passion and must accept when it is unrequited.

Some of us love one another. Some of us probably love you. Time has taught many of us that love is our most valuable resource in the pursuit of happiness. And there's no reason for that to ever be scarce.

Some of our ancestors may have forsaken us, but we wish we could have saved many of them from themselves. To agonize over our inability to change such things is to ignore the nature of reality's unforgiving nature with time. It is continuously in the present. Those who are gone may never be able to forgive us, but we can forgive them.

We can live and exist together. We can honor the divinity of existence, and be thankful for material reality and the divine luck of having each other to make meaning out of it.

We don't know what will make you happy, but we'd love to help you pursue it.


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