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whose side are you on?

The starving of hostages is atrocious, but I am curious, would you be more enraged over it if the Israelis did this to a Palestinian captive, all the while Palestinians were actively driving Israel out of Jerusalem with the use of the sort of overwhelming military force that Israel is using today? Imagine if the U.S. supported Palestine instead. How would you feel? I can't think of the ongoing atrocities in that region without thinking of Bob Dylan's, "With God on Our Side," and wonder, why didn't God just do this to the Romans, if it was truly the way he wanted the Holy Land reclaimed in the name of his chosen people. It is hard to imagine a more arrogant and solipsistic claim that a people could make. I get it, it is quite a rhetorical device, but quite unknowable and beyond proof to the point of absurdity if you examine it closely and don't just, "take it on faith," that God cares about some peoples more than others. If you believe the Palestinian
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