After reading Mutual Banking , I want to attempt to provide an example of how such a society could function. Greene proposes a real-credit system, where notes of exchange are created upon the mortgage of real-property for collateral. Essentially the mutual bank agrees to a use-value for the home (in dollars for Greene) and is willing to give the mortgagee up to half that value to be traded as currency with an agreement to pay back said mortgage. The interest rate can be held at virtually 0 due to the non-speculative nature of the notes, creating a system of "paper money" with legal value among the mutual credit association. This credit is to be used in trade and for services among the other members of the association. As goods and services are provided, they are constantly reassessed in comparison to the use-value of competing goods on the market. The divide between real-property and currency disappears into the numerous associations' joint-ownership of all of the fo...
This is my diary. I'm hoping it will help me live in a liberated way where I have nothing to hide. In some entries there are a lot of thoughts without much structure and in others it strongly constrains their construction. Regardless of form, composing my thoughts allows me to discover myself. If you're reading this, you'll know much about me that I may never know how to tell you, so if any of the thoughts and feelings here awaken a discovery of your own, I hope you'll share it with me.