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Showing posts from June, 2018

Taoist Christian Anarchism

The tension between individualist and communalist anarchisms is synthesized by the often paradoxical (but to me, far more elegant) mutualist anarchisms. I believe the source of that conflict is identified in the words of the most influential being in my life, a jew with a rather taoist approach to the Law, who said: "it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into the reign of God." That Taoist Jew came to live for us, knowing we would kill him for it, so that He might show us The Way. He taught us how to die unto ourselves and be reborn of water and of the Spirit to best enjoy our lives together - a New Heaven and a New Earth. As a result of taking on the perspective He prescribed, you can live for others instead of insisting upon your right to live only for yourself. Trying to practice that perspective, you can see that the life best lived is the opposite of the often solipsistic capitalist perspective. We must shift our thinkin...