And they should just accept it and be happy that those who have more don't try to squeeze them for more of what they've got, right? Because that's what the "free-market" is about, right? Exploiting others for as cheaply as the distorted centralized currency allows us to? You ever notice how all countries compete to make their labor cheaper while their politicians "nobly fight" to make sure laborers get a "living wage"? Maybe citizens need to grow the courage to stop governments from forcing corrupted value systems (read: military-industrial complex, endless foreign wars, endless economic regulation, state regulated education) on their populaces. Perhaps if individuals were allowed to pick the currency they got paid in, the economic distribution would actually be a product of men's labor and contributions to his community. A truly merit based economy, rather than concentrating the wealth of well connected individuals who happen to come fro...
This is my diary. I'm hoping it will help me live in a liberated way where I have nothing to hide. In some entries there are a lot of thoughts without much structure and in others it strongly constrains their construction. Regardless of form, composing my thoughts allows me to discover myself. If you're reading this, you'll know much about me that I may never know how to tell you, so if any of the thoughts and feelings here awaken a discovery of your own, I hope you'll share it with me.